If you want to introduce your horse to natural treats, apples were probably one of the first foods that came to mind. But can horses eat apples? To determine whether apples are safe for horses to eat, how many apples a horse can eat, and how to serve them, continue reading this helpful article.

a woman feeding an apple to a horse

Can Horses Eat Apples?

Horses can eat apples, but because of an apple’s size, they should be cut into quarters before they’re fed to a horse. Horses can be enthusiastic eaters, and when given an apple, they may try to consume it whole rather than biting off more manageable pieces.

Are Apples Good for Horses?

Apples are healthy treats, as they contain fibre, potassium, and vitamin C. They may also work to reduce inflammation in a horse’s body due to the antioxidants in them.

As with many fruits, they should be fed to horses in moderation. A single apple once or twice a week shouldn’t hurt, but it’s not a good idea to continuously feed a horse several apples in a day.

Some horse owners worry about the seeds in apples, as they’re known to contain cyanide. Worry not, though, because a human would have to eat an obscene number of apples to experience any effects associated with cyanide poisoning.

Because horses are much bigger than a standard human adult, a horse would have to eat several times more apples than a person to be in any danger of cyanide poisoning.

How to Feed Your Horse an Apple

If you want to introduce your horse to apples, wash the fruit before cutting it into quarters. Offer one-quarter of the apple to your horse, and be sure to keep your fingers out of the way when the horse is eating to avoid injury.

Monitor your horse to determine whether he or she likes the treat you just provided and keep an eye out for any signs of an allergic reaction.

Though it’s unlikely that a horse would be allergic to apples, it’s possible. If no reactions occur and your horse seems to enjoy being fed apples, you can give them as an occasional treat.

Benefits and Setbacks of Apples as Horse Treats

Apples are nutritious and naturally sweet. This paired with the moisture and crunchy texture makes them ideal for horses. In addition, the vitamins and minerals in apples help horses absorb the beneficial chemicals their bodies need to function.

However, it’s important to remember that apples are a treat. Even if your horse really likes them, you shouldn’t give him or her apples all the time. Too many apples can cause colic in horses, so if you want to keep your animal’s digestive system healthy, only feed a couple of apples on occasion.

Feeding Apples to Horses – Conclusion

Giving your horse an apple or two is a great way to reward him or her for positive behaviour or just provide them with a special something on occasion. Your horse will likely enjoy an apple as a treat, and so long as you provide this option in moderation, your horse should experience no ill effects.

To learn about other potential treats for horses, as well as foods to avoid, be sure to browse our other horse articles.

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