If you own a bearded dragon, you might be aware that a good portion of their diet should be insects and vegetables, but since they’re native to Australia, you might be wondering ‘can bearded dragons eat lettuce?‘.

While lettuce is a great, healthy option for humans, it’s not as good for a reptile that wouldn’t normally come across such foods in the wild. As for the question as to whether you can feed your bearded dragon lettuce, the answer is yes, but does that mean you should

Read on to find out!

a bearded dragon on a log

Should I feed my bearded dragon lettuce?

A bearded dragon is quite a curious creature, so it may be inclined to give any food presented to it a try. That does not, however, mean that you should feed it whatever you please. It’s important to think about their natural dietary requirements more carefully, which means you should avoid giving them lettuce.

But why, when it’s so good for us?

Lettuce is good for humans because it’s low in calories and contains water. That, however, is of very little use to a small reptile that comes from a hot and arid environment. It doesn’t have the right nutritional benefits, with a bearded dragon needing calcium, vitamin B3 and a variety of other vitamins to stay healthy.

All in all, that shouldn’t be too surprising, since your physiology is definitely different to that of your bearded dragon! Whether it’s iceberg, butter or Romaine lettuce, it doesn’t matter; it’s better to just avoid this food altogether.

What are the risks of feeding my bearded dragon lettuce?

We’ve already mentioned that if you feed your bearded dragon too much lettuce, they won’t get the nutrients that they really need. However, there are some additional, knock-on effects that you should understand:

  • Digestive issues: Since bearded dragons are small reptiles and don’t need large quantities of water, feeding them lettuce can wreak havoc with their insides. This can lead to diarrhoea, causing dehydration and leading to other digestive issues as a result.
  • Calcium-binding: We already mentioned that a bearded dragon needs calcium, and since most lettuce and spinach types are calcium-binding (meaning it makes it harder for your pet to absorb calcium) they have a detrimental impact on the diet of bearded dragons. Other high-oxalate foods for them to avoid include parsley and kale.

What vegetables can I give my bearded dragon?

Don’t let any of the above information put you off feeding your bearded dragon some vegetables. They do still form an important part of a well-rounded diet for a reptile, but it’s all about giving them the stuff they need to grow happily and healthily. If you want some really detailed advice on the specific foods to give your bearded dragon, don’t hesitate to have a conversation with your vet.

Fruits aren’t suitable for a bearded dragon due to the sugar they contain, but here are some alternative vegetables that they’re sure to love:

  • Dandelion greens
  • Peppers
  • Broccoli 
  • Green beans
  • Sweet potato

As with most reptiles, it’s a good idea to give them a mix of vegetables so that they have access to a variety of the vitamins they need.

What else makes up the bearded dragon’s diet?

Bearded dragons are omnivores, which means they can eat both plants and insects. In fact, insects are one of their favourite foods, especially since they’d have plenty of access to them in the wilds of Australia. 

Crickets, mealworms, locusts, you name it – all these small insects are great for bearded dragons, delivering key nutritional benefits. Always try to feed your bearded dragon live insects to help with the following:

  • Mimcking natural habitat – In the wild, a bearded dragon would have to keep a keen eye on bugs, so feeding them live in their enclosure gives them a chance to flex their hunting skills.
  • Freshness – Simply put, fresh bugs will contain much more nutritional value than those that are already dead and dried out. This can only be a good thing for your bearded dragon.
  • Stimulates appetite – If your bearded dragon is given dead bugs, it may not even realise that it is meant to eat them. Real, moving bugs will encourage them to eat, getting them the right level of nutrition in a more natural way.

Should I dust the vegetables or the bugs?

Dusting food with additional vitamins is also recommended as a way to get a growing bearded dragon’s vitamin intake up. However, some people ask about which foods to dust, and the answer is generally to dust their bugs rather than the vegetables you give them as it won’t then put them off their veggies.

Can bearded dragons eat lettuce? Final words

If you have any concerns over the health or diet of your bearded dragon, you can always put your mind at ease with a trip to the vet where you can get more detailed advice.

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