Tortoises have a reputation for either being tiny and cute, or large and, well, still cute. Their slow nature and predisposition for snacking helps them to grow, but can you feed your pet tortoise apples? From Granny Smiths to Braeburn, we eat apples all the time, but humans and tortoises definitely don’t have the same digestive systems!
The good news is that most tortoises can eat apples, but only certain breeds. This will become clearer in our next sections, but it should be noted that even if your tortoise can stomach apples, it should only be in moderation as a treat.
Tortoises are ideal if you don’t want a furry pet, but you still need to make sure you are fully aware of what their diet should contain. That’s why we’re diving into the topic here, answering whether tortoises can eat apples or not.

Can all tortoises eat apples?
Some tortoises will eat anything, while others are very picky. However, most are herbivorous, meaning that they stick to leaves and stems, making them less able to digest fruits such as apples. Leopard and horsefield tortoises are two examples of such tortoises, meaning fruit is only really an option as a treat in small doses due to the sugar it contains.
There are, however, certain tortoises that originate from warmer, more tropical climates where fruit may well have played a part in their diet, such as the red-footed tortoise. While this isn’t permission to feed them lots of fruit, it does mean they might be able to stomach it more often as a treat.
What it comes down to is moderation based on the breed of tortoise you own and their size. Feeding apples too often to your tortoise could cause health issues, and while they may contain vitamin C, it’s not justification enough for the risk. It’s better to provide a varied diet for your tortoise to get them everything they need – something we’ll touch on later.
Can horsefield tortoises eat apples?
One of the more popular tortoise breeds here in the UK is the horsefield tortoise. Because they’re bred in captivity to become pets, they’re less likely to suffer from some of the diseases that they’d naturally face in their normal, wild habitat.
Since the horsefield tortoise is meant to feed on plants and leafy greens, apples are not the best snack. While they can have a small piece every now and again, you need to make sure fruits don’t make up a significant portion of their diet.
How to feed your tortoise apple
If you do have a tortoise breed more suited to the odd fruit snack and you want to try giving them apple, it’s important that you only give them a bitesize amount.
Never pressure your tortoise to eat it, but make sure you’ve sliced the apple and removed any core or pip elements. They may then chew a small piece and you’ll be able to tell if they enjoy it. Remember: only give them it as a treat sparingly, and keep in mind their size when preparing portions of fruit for them – the smaller the tortoise, the less they need.
What can I feed my tortoise?
We’ve already mentioned that there are better ways to give your tortoise the right array of vitamins and minerals than apples, so what are they?
It’s important to give them a mix of leafy greens and stems, but you can also provide them with some fruits that are low in sugar as treats, such as:
- Strawberries
- Blackberries
- Raspberries
- Grapes
- Melon
Moderation is key, and if you’re in any doubt as to what type of food you should be giving your tortoise, then consult your vet. They can point out the minerals and vitamins they need to keep a healthy shell and live a long, happy life. There are consequences to not providing the right diet, and we’ll explore those next.
What are the risks of feeding apple to my tortoise?
While apples do contain fibre and vitamin C – both useful – too much of any fruits that are high in sugar can lead to issues such as obesity for your tortoise. Essentially, their digestive system and kidneys are just not suited to dealing with lots of sugar. It’s for that reason that we’ve been advising restraint, and for their diet in general.
The real danger that apples can pose to a tortoise is in the seeds. These can be potentially toxic to them if consumed in large enough amounts. That’s why you should carefully prepare apples before feeding them to your tortoise to ensure you’ve removed any seeds and pips inside.