With their fluffy bodies, beady eyes and twitching noses, guinea pigs can be inquisitive little creatures. Something they love more than anything is nibbling on snacks, but as a responsible guinea pig owner, you’ll no doubt want to make sure you’re giving your piggy the best possible diet.
So can guinea pigs eat watermelon? As humans, we love this fruit for its juicy, refreshing taste, especially in summer. The same goes for guinea pigs — they love to nibble on sweet fruits, so it’s easy to see why so many owners ask this question.
However, as with all fruits you feed your piggy, watermelon should only be given in small amounts to avoid overindulging in this less-than-essential snack. Moderation and bite-size pieces are the way to go. As for how often to give them this snack, it’s better to give them a small slice once a week to avoid any issues.

What health benefits does watermelon have for guinea pigs?
Having already mentioned that guinea pigs can eat watermelon, it’s always important to bear in mind the right balance of nutrition and taste. Let’s take a look at what watermelon contains in terms of beneficial nutrients for a guinea pig:
Vitamin C: Like many fruits, watermelon contains vitamin C, which is great for the immune system of a guinea pig, helping them to fight off infection and illness more effectively. This is a crucial nutritional benefit as guinea pigs are known to get infections due to their sensitive skin and respiratory system.
Potassium: This is an essential mineral for a balanced diet. Guinea pigs need potassium to help with their fluids, nerves and muscles. A healthy level of potassium means your piggy can run around and stay active, keeping them happy and healthy during their life.
Phosphorus: This mineral, alongside calcium, helps keep your guinea pig’s bones and teeth healthy. Since they depend on their teeth to do a lot of nibbling, it’s easy to see why they need a balance of phosphorus and calcium, but only in moderation. Phosphorus is also good for their cell function and tissue repair.
Of course, there are other benefits besides these, including the additional water content of watermelons for those piggies who don’t drink enough water, but this can also be a bad thing… something we’ll uncover next.
Why is too much watermelon bad for guinea pigs?
One of the biggest risks that comes from feeding your guinea pig too much watermelon is diarrhoea. That’s because it’s super-rich in water and guinea pigs have small bodies. The diarrhoea then leads to dehydration, which can make your guinea pig ill, so it’s important to only feed them this in moderation under supervision to make sure they don’t get too greedy for their own good.
The other downside to watermelon as a snack for guinea pigs is the high sugar content. Since your little piggy will have a sensitive stomach, they will only be able to handle a little bit of sugar. Too much watermelon, therefore, can lead to health issues if they begin to gain weight, with an additional risk of diabetes.
Do guinea pigs like watermelon?
We’ve talked a lot about whether you can feed a guinea pig watermelon or not, but do they actually like it? The answer is yes, most guinea pigs love a sweet treat and therefore a chunk of watermelon is unlikely to be refused.
But remember, just because they love it, that doesn’t mean they should have it all the time or in large amounts. Bear in mind the need to give your guinea pig nutritional balance for a long and happy life.
Can guinea pigs eat watermelon seeds?
Watermelon seeds, you’ll be happy to hear, are not toxic for your guinea pig, but you’re probably going to need to remove them from any watermelon you feed them. That’s because the seeds in watermelons represent a choking hazard to small creatures such as guinea pigs.
Once removed, you can safely slice up some small chunks of watermelon flesh for your furry little friend to munch on.
Can guinea pigs eat watermelon rind?
Watermelon rind, or skin as we may refer to it, might actually be more beneficial for a guinea pig, since it has added fibre and less of the sugary stuff. However, you’ll need to make sure you thoroughly wash any rind or skin portions to make sure no chemicals are present, as this could be dangerous for your pet guinea pig.
Want to learn more about what makes a healthy diet for a guinea pig? We recommend speaking to your local vet to get a precise and professional opinion on what your piggy needs to make sure they get all the right nutrients.