Whether you have a pet hedgehog or simply like to take care of one (or many!) that visit your garden, it’s always worthwhile knowing what they should and shouldn’t be fed.
Like most animals, the cute, sociable mammals will probably consume anything you put in front of them- but this doesn’t mean just anything is good for them.
For instance, hedgehogs are commonly associated with milk with many households placing saucers outside for them to enjoy. However, according to the RSPCA, milk can actually be bad for hedgehogs, and has been known to cause them diarrhoea and other stomach-related issues.
Another popular choice of food for hedgehogs is bananas.
But can hedgehogs eat bananas?
In this article, we’ll take a look at whether you should feed hedgehogs bananas, as well as outline what food is most suitable for our prickly pals.

What do hedgehogs eat?
Before we look at the question of whether hedgehogs can eat banana, it’s important to have a thorough understanding of their diet.
Depending on who you ask, hedgehogs are generally described as insectivores or omnivores. Typically, hedgehogs that live in the wild will be insectivores and pet hedgehogs are omnivores and therefore more likely to have a diverse diet.
A typical pet hedgehog will likely be an African Pygmy, and they are known to eat more than just insects.
However, even pet hedgehogs will need insects in their diet. This is because hedgehogs have a unique ability which allows them to digest chitin from the bugs they consume. Chitin is a chemical that is commonly found in the exoskeleton of all kinds of insects and is a great source of both protein and fibre.
If you have a pet hedgehog, it’s a good idea to give it a diverse diet including the following:
- Insects: such as mealworms, waxworms and crickets
- Hedgehog kibble: this is dried pet food (similar to dried dog and cat food) that you can get from pet shops
- Fresh fruit: like apple, melon and berries
- Vegetables: including green beans, courgette and squash
- Cooked meat: like chicken, dog food and cat food
- Eggs: as a treat a bit of scrambled or hard-boiled egg will be enjoyed by your hedgehog
How Much Should You Feed A Hedgehog?
Now we’ve discussed what hedgehogs can eat, it’s important to understand how much you should be feeding them.
Hedgehogs are prone to obesity and while they might look cute when round and podgy, it can be extremely bad for their health to feed them too much.
The majority of your pet hedgehog’s diet should be made up of its kibble. Each day it’s recommended to give an adult hedgehog two tablespoons of kibble and one teaspoon of other food. This can be insects, fruit or vegetables.
Day and Night
Hedgehogs are extremely active at nighttime and burn a lot of energy during this time, so if your hedgehog is particularly big or overactive you can give it a little more food than this.
Although, it’s important to stay aware of its weight. Regularly weigh the hedgehog to make sure it is remaining healthy.
Due to their primarily nocturnal nature, you should also not worry if they don’t seem to be eating much during the day. This is normal and they’re more likely to have the bulk of their food overnight.
Do Hedgehogs Eat Fruit?
As mentioned earlier, hedgehogs have a diverse diet and this can include fruit. However, dried fruits are best avoided.
This is because dried fruits are far more starchy than fresh alternatives, making it harder for the hedgehogs to digest them. Plus, the higher sugar content that is in dried fruit can lead to serious health complications for hedgehogs.
So we know that they are able to eat fresh fruit, but can hedgehogs eat bananas?
Can Hedgehogs Eat Bananas?
Just like with other fresh fruit, hedgehogs can also eat bananas. In fact, they love digging into the delicious fruit. This is because they’re easy to eat and taste nice and sweet. But, there are a few things you should be aware of if you’re planning on feeding bananas to your hedgehog.
Consider the piece sizes
Firstly, don’t dive straight in by giving your hedgehog a large piece. Just like humans, trying something new is a big deal for hedgehogs, too. With this in mind, start off with a small bit. With any new food, hedgehogs tend to give it a good sniff before deciding whether they want to eat it.
If your hedgehog responds well to the banana, you can then give it a slightly larger piece next time. Going forward it’s important to mash the banana slightly before giving it to your hedgehog. This is because banana can be sticky, and you don’t want your pet to choke on it.
It can also cause itching if the banana gets on its skin or feet. In this vein, we’d also recommend keeping an eye on the hedgehog while it consumes the banana.
Feeding Bananas as a Treat
Perhaps the most important piece of advice in regard to hedgehogs and bananas is that they should be considered a treat, and not a core part of its diet. Too much banana can actually be dangerous for a hedgehog, so we’d recommend limiting it to just once a week.
Bananas contain phosphorus and while this is great for your hedgehog’s kidneys, muscles and heart, too much of it can actually prevent the hedgehog from properly absorbing calcium. This means your hedgehog’s bones will be weaker.
As well as this, they’re high in sugar content which can also cause its own health issues.
Ripeness Matters
Ripeness is important in bananas, too. An overripe banana will be too sugary and can cause your hedgehog to suffer from hyperglycemia. In contrast, under-ripe bananas are hard to digest and can give your furry friend an upset stomach.
You should also not give your hedgehog any banana that is black, or feed it the banana peel.
If you need any more advice on how to look after your hedgehogs, we’re here to help. Be sure to take a look at our site for more information on how to keep your hedgehog happy and in the best condition.