It’s no secret that rabbits love eating vegetables. 

And while they’re most closely associated with carrots, it’s highly likely that your bunny is a fan of a whole host of different veggies that are bursting with nutritional goodness. 

But can rabbits eat mangetout?

In this article, we’ll take a look at the question of whether rabbits can eat mangetout, as well as outline the type of diet that will keep your bunny as happy and healthy as possible. 

a white rabbit in green grass

What Is Mangetout? 

Mangetout might sound fancy, but it’s actually extremely common in supermarkets across the UK.

If you’ve never heard of the vegetable before, allow us to explain. 

Mangetout is a French word meaning ‘eat it all’ and that’s exactly what people across the world have been doing for generations. The vegetable is sourced in regions across the globe but is perhaps most commonly found in Guatemala.

The vegetable is a type of pea that is picked while it’s still young, making the pod extremely tender. They are sometimes referred to as sugar peas and bear a resemblance to sugar snap peas, although these are typically more filled out and crunchier in texture.  

They are frequently used in a variety of recipes including stir frys, curries, salads and more. 

The Diet of a Rabbit 

Before we examine whether rabbits can eat mangetout, let’s take a closer look at what your pet’s diet should consist of. 

Rabbits are herbivores by nature, and their diet in the wild doesn’t differ too much from what you should be feeding a domestic rabbit. This includes the following:

  • Hay- This is a key component of any pet rabbit’s diet and must never be excluded. To remain healthy, rabbits must have access to unlimited amounts of high-quality hay. Hay provides bunnies with fibre, assists digestion and stops teeth from growing too long and causing dental issues. As well as this, hay offers a cushioned place for your rabbit to sleep in its hutch. Local pet shops will stock all kinds of hay that your rabbit can enjoy. 
  • Vegetables- As mentioned above, rabbits are herbivores meaning they eat plant material and nothing else. All herbivores love vegetables, and it’s worthwhile giving pet rabbits fresh veggies on a daily basis. As well as the carrot that rabbits are so associated with, you can also give them peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, lettuce and much more. Remember, when giving your rabbit any vegetables it hasn’t tried before you should always introduce it gradually and in small quantities to ensure it’s right for your individual bunny.
  • Pellets- In most pet shops you’re likely to come across dry, commercial rabbit food like pellets. While rabbits can eat pellets, this should only be fed in moderation and should never replace hay or vegetables in your pet’s diet. Choose a brand that is formulated specifically for rabbits and only give them a small portion. Around ⅛ to ¼ a cup per day is a good amount but always bear your rabbit’s size and age in mind.  
  • Water- A fresh supply of clean water is necessary to keep a rabbit hydrated throughout the day. Put the water in a bowl or bottle attached to your rabbit’s hutch and make sure it’s changed each day to keep it fresh.   

Now we’ve provided you with a comprehensive guide to a rabbit’s diet, let’s answer the question ‘can rabbits eat mangetout?’  

Can Rabbits Eat Mangetout? 

In short, yes! Rabbits can, and regularly do, eat mangetout. 

As vegetable lovers, most rabbits will happily tuck into the pea-based vegetable with no problems at all. So feel free to add mangetout to the bowl of veggies you give your rabbit if you have some to hand.   

Not only can rabbits eat mangetout, but feeding the vegetable to your bunny can even help with its healthy development.

Read on to find out how.

What Are The Benefits Of Mangetout for Rabbits?

While rabbits will enjoy eating mangetout because of its delicious flavour, there are also countless health benefits that your rabbit can receive from consuming the vegetable. 

Mangetout contains a good amount of the following:

  • Fibre – This is one of the most important aspects of any rabbit’s diet. Fibre will help your bunny’s insides to keep on moving, ensuring healthy bowel habits. If food builds up inside your rabbit, it can be hit by a condition called gut stasis which can be fatal if untreated.

    A good supply of fibre prevents this from happening, which is why the fibre content in mangetout is so beneficial. If you ever notice that your rabbit stops eating or pooing, you should take it to the vet immediately. 
  • Protein – Protein is important when helping rabbits to build muscles and skin. Rabbits are good at making their own protein, but sources such as mangetout make this even easier. 
  • Vitamins – Mangetout is full of all kinds of vitamins, including A, B and C. While the microbiology of rabbits is good at making vitamins itself, foods such as mangetout help give it a handy boost.           

How Much Mangetout Should I Give A Rabbit?

If your rabbit weighs four pounds or more, it can have around two cups of greens a day. However, this shouldn’t all be mangetout.

When combined with a good variety of other vegetables, around one to two pods of mangetout is recommended per day. 

But, a small (weighing only one pound) or baby bunny (three-six months old) shouldn’t have this many vegetables. Instead, only one-half tablespoon of greens should be given to them- including mangetout.

Every Rabbit is Different

As you’ll know, every rabbit is different and has different preferences when it comes to food.

If you’ve never given your rabbit mangetout before, it’s best to introduce it slowly so you can observe the effects it has on your pet. Introduce a small amount at first, increasing the quantity until you reach the recommended level. 

If you spot no ill effects, feel free to introduce mangetout as a regular part of your rabbit’s vegetable intake. If you spot any signs of stomach issues, cease giving mangetout to the rabbit and contact a vet if symptoms persist. 

You might also notice rabbits ignoring mangetout in their vegetable bowl. This is another sign that the pea is probably not to your bunny’s taste and you will know to avoid it in future. 

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