Have you ever wondered if your fuzzy friend gets tired of pellets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

Hamsters aren’t picky and will happily take whatever pellets you give them. While hamster food may not look that interesting, it contains all the essential nutrients your hamster could ever need.

However, it doesn’t hurt to give your hamster the occasional treat. Lettuce, cucumber, and carrots are best as they’re similar to food hamsters may eat in the wild. But can hamsters eat tomatoes?

It’s hard to imagine that tomatoes could ever be toxic. But when it comes to your pet hamster, it’s best not to take your chances. Read on to learn what and what not to feed your hamster.

a hamster eating

Hamster Diet Checklist

Feeding your hamster is easy, as hamster pellets are readily available at any pet store. However, if you want your hamster to get the best possible diet, you want to choose which pellets you give them. When buying pet food or food for hamsters, you’ll find that some don’t have any nutritional value.

The best hamster food should include about 3-6% fat and between 12-24% protein. If you’re caring for hamster pups or pregnant hamsters, you need a higher percentage of both. Protein is of utmost importance as it will aid in a baby hamster’s growth.

A hamster also needs high amounts of carbohydrates. Your fuzzy friend won’t be able to enjoy their wheels and tunnels if they don’t have the energy to burn.

Are Tomatoes Good for Hamsters?

Tomatoes are a nice fresh addition to any human meal, but it isn’t the same for hamsters. While tomatoes contain tons of vitamins and beta-carotene, they are also part of the nightshade family. If you feed your hamster a tomato that is not yet ripe, it can cause tomatine poisoning.

Keep in mind that tomato stems also contain tomatine. Tomatoes are dense in fibre and acid.

Its high acidity content can cause more harm than good and cause vomiting, diarrhoea, and even dehydration in hamsters. A ripe tomato can be safe, but it’s best to avoid giving your hamster tomatoes altogether.

Alternative Healthy Treats for Hamsters

Pellets or seed mixes should be enough to sustain your hamster. However, that doesn’t mean you can give your hamster some indulgent treats.

Tomatoes may not be safe for hamsters, but luckily, there are plenty of alternatives available. You can supplement their diet with mealworms or leafy greens.

Mealworms and hard-boiled eggs are a great source of protein for hamsters. You can also treat them to bits of cottage cheese, fish, beef, or chicken.
Timothy hay is another excellent option. It encourages your hamster to forage, which is a crucial behaviour in these rodents.

Can Hamsters Eat Tomatoes?

Can hamsters eat tomatoes? While there are many types of tomatoes with varying nutrition levels, they aren’t good for hamsters. Tomatoes have a high acid content, which can be too much for a hamster’s little body to handle.

If you want to bond with your hamster over some treats, it’s best to go with mealworms, timothy hay, or even a bit of cheese. Petoa offers great tips for feeding your beloved pets. Check out the rest of our blog to learn more!

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