For humans, a glass of sparkling water can be a refreshing drink but can cats drink sparkling water? In this article, we answer the question.
What is sparkling water?
Before we answer the question of “can cats drink sparkling water?”, it’s wise for us to define what sparkling water is. This may sound unnecessary, but sparkling water can easily be confused with similar types of water such as soda water and tonic water despite them having differences.
Sparking water, also known as carbonated water, is water that has been carbonated (i.e. it has been infused with carbon dioxide). In it’s base state, sparkling water is unflavoured. This is the type of sparkling water we are referring to in this article.
Can cats drink sparkling water? The short answer
The short answer is yes, it is safe for cats to drink sparkling water (aka carbonated water). As well as it being safe to drink, many cats enjoy drinking sparkling water. Like humans and other animals, cats have their individual tastes and preferences. This principle applies to sparkling water too.
If your cat enjoys drinking sparkling water, giving it some as an occasional treat could be a good way to encourage your cat to drink more water.
It’s not just the flavour of sparkling water that some cats enjoy, some cats enjoy watching and playing with sparkling water because of its bubbles and movement.
Important Considerations
It is important to point out that the sparkling water you give to your cat should not include added sugars, colours, artificial flavours etc. The likes of artificial flavours and sweeteners can be toxic and dangerous to cats and so should be avoided. As always, your vet can provide advice on any ingredients or nutrition that you’re unsure of.
As sparkling water drinkers know, drinking carbonated water can result in bloating. This is as true for cats as it is with humans. Bloating will likely occur if your cat drinks too much sparkling water. Moderation is key so only give you cat sparkling water in small amounts and not too often.
Signs of bloating in your cat include a swollen belly, burping (belching), retching and restlessness. A bloated cat is likely to be an uncomfortable cat and unhappy cat.
You can avoid bloating issues by moderating the amount of sparkling water you give to your cat.
Sparking water is not a replacement for noncarbonated water
As mentioned above, too much carbonated water can cause problems for your kitty. It is wise to view sparkling water as a treat rather than as a replacement for good old-fashioned still water.
Cats and sparking water – final thoughts
It is generally safe to give cats unflavoured sparkling water in moderation to drink. Some cats will enjoy the treat whereas others will not care for it. Some cats will enjoy watching or playing with sparkling water more than drinking it.
As always, please consult your veterinarian regarding your pet’s diet.
You can see our other cat articles for more cat-related topics and advice.